The Teacher Oasis was established in 2010. While I was working at a charter school in the inner-city of Chicago as a Teacher Assistant. I worked there for seven years. During that time, I had the passion to become an entrepreneur. I wanted a business that would be connected to education and serve inner-city families. Growing up the grandchild of an entrepreneur it was in my blood to make this dream come true. As a mother of three children, it is my hope to inspire them to pursue their dreams and believe that anything is possible. The Teacher Oasis is not only an educational material supply store it is a place where education meets potential. As I pursue my Master's Degree in Early Childhood Education, I am confident that The Teacher Oasis will thrive in the years to come and continue to serve educators, early childhood programs, inner-city families, public schools, private schools, educational institutions, social service agencies, and many others. I believe that education is the key to success in life when given adequate resources and opportunity.